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Showing posts with the label contact centre

Social Routing in the Contact Centre

By:Dave Paulding regional sales director UK & Middle East at Interactive Intelligence

Social routing is an emerging trend, a way in which contact centres can more accurately meet the needs of their customers. But how is this different from what we’re doing at the moment? The answer lies in describing the modern day customer.
New media - new environment Consumers, especially the younger demographic, are more empowered today, through the use of technology and social media. When interacting with an organization about a product or service they increasingly using channels other than the telephone.
Instead, the proliferation of social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter, web chat, video chat and other communication methods have seen a decrease in the use of the humble telephone. In addition, this empowerment has created a virtual buying experience online, characterized by more choice, and the availability of product videos, other customer reviews, descriptions, and tec…